Chibi Pika's Nominations

These are Chibi Pika's nominations and comments for the 2017 awards. See all nominations here.

Overall Fiction Awards

Best Pokémon Chaptered Fic
Best New Pokémon Chaptered Fic
Best Pokémon One-Shot
Most Original Overall
Best Description
Best Setting
Best Characterization in a Short Story
Best Character Dynamic
Most Heartwarming Fic
Funniest Fic
Best Trainer Fic
Best Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Fic
Best Pokémon-Centric
Best Canon Character-Centric
Best Non-Human Main Character
Best Human Supporting Character
Best Non-Human Supporting Character
Funniest Scene
Most Suspenseful Scene
Most Heartwarming Scene
Best Action Scene
Most Memorable Quote
Best Established Writer
Best New Writer
Most Improved Writer
Most Helpful Reviewer
Most Dedicated Reviewer