Cutlerine's Nominations

These are Cutlerine's nominations and comments for the 2017 awards. See all nominations here.

Overall Fiction Awards

Best Pokémon Chaptered Fic
Best New Pokémon Chaptered Fic
Best Pokémon One-Shot
Best Plot
Most Original Overall
Best Writing Style
Best Description
Best Setting
Best Expansion of Canon
Best Character Development
Best Characterization in a Short Story
Best Character Dynamic
Most Suspenseful Fic
Most Heartbreaking Fic
Most Heartwarming Fic
Best Trainer Fic
Best Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Fic
Best Pokémon-Centric
Best Canon Character-Centric
Best Human Main Character
Best Non-Human Main Character
Best Human Supporting Character
Best Non-Human Supporting Character
Best Human Antagonist
Best Minor Character
Most Suspenseful Scene
Most Heartbreaking Scene
Most Heartwarming Scene
Best Action Scene
Most Improved Writer
Most Dedicated Reviewer