These are Ememew's nominations and comments for the 2012 awards. See all nominations here.
Seeker decided to leave the cave too and fly into the icy winds. As she'd come up slower than when she'd tried before, her body wasn't working as hard to keep up with the thin cold air. Maybe that was the secret, to get used to the thin air little by little. But then how long would it take to fully break through the sky?Finding a rock jutting out of a wall, she landed there and listened around her. Not that far below her, Cyrus had already found a fight for Sneasel in a snover. Gyarados was complaining about the cold and ice, while Murkrow was suddenly hyper and energetic, fluttering around the group. However, Cyrus didn't feel anything for them, not even annoyance. They were like parts of his machines: not as important as the whole, just things to use. Did he feel the same for her?No, definitely not. He had been pleased with her at least once, and he allowed concern to lead him to throw a battle rather than knock her out. Maybe she had just been a part of his designs once, but Seeker was pretty sure that she was more important to him than that now. He just didn't let those feelings and thoughts rise above his internal defenses.The sky was full of moisture, in the form of snow and clouds. There were more clouds overhead, so it wasn't a time she'd usually try to fly into the sky. Then again, what if the presence of all that moisture helped her? She would have a full radar view of the air around her and could notice something unusual. Maybe she could succeed now.Even as she thought of it, she had to wonder why. Why did she want to go through to the other side of the sky? It was just curiosity at first, to know what was there. And then it was because she had always failed and hoped that she might just make it this time. But then, what was the point of it? Whatever was on the other side of the sky… it didn't matter. And it didn't matter because Cyrus was on this side of the sky.It was her dream, but it didn't really matter. Only what Cyrus wanted mattered. Even if he wanted to replace her, it didn't matter. It was okay.There was a tinge of sadness when she thought of that, but that passed away into numbness quickly. It was a relief to think that she didn't need to worry about what her goals should be, because they'd end up passed over in favor of his goals anyhow. As long as she was near him, she was… happy wasn't quite the right term for it. Content. It wouldn't matter if there was silence or noise around her. When she heard him and knew his thoughts, she would know what to do. Even if her own heart was silent.And that turned out to be the breakthrough she needed.A few minutes later, Cyrus had the other two members of his team evolved. They had sounded pleased, but hopeful that he might let them go soon if he didn't feel anything for them. Seeker wasn't bothered by this. He still had some use for them, so she would tolerate their foolishness. Once they had been recalled, she flew over to meet with him.“A little late for the effect I wanted in having a crobat, ” he said, reaching over to rub her ear while she hovered by him. “But good. It proves the falseness of what was believed.” And he smiled.
Seeker evolves after giving up her dreams and Cyrus sees it as evidence that emotions don’t matter
Bill opened his mouth, but without warning, Adam interrupted him.Something about her seems familiar. Ask her if she is the advisor to the empress.Although he had no idea where Adam was going with this, Bill knew he had nothing to lose if he followed. After all, either way, he knew that he would be fighting this ixodida and potentially the army she had amassed behind him. The question was when. Straightening his back as much as he could, he took a deep breath and spoke."Are you the advisor to the empress?"Pandora lifted her head. "I am and always will be. My loyalty to Her Majesty is limitless, and it is my pleasure to serve her through my wisdom and abilities."Long-winded as ever. I know this creature. Bill, you must tell her to deliver a message to her empress."What?" Bill whispered.Just trust me."I really hope this doesn't end badly."It will end favorably for us, no matter what happens.Bill exhaled. A strange feeling of dread crept into him, but knowing how large of an army was behind him and how powerful the ixodida were, he once again realized it wouldn't exactly hurt him to follow Adam's lead. At least Adam seemed to have a good idea of how to navigate the situation."Then I have a message for Her Majesty, " he said.Holding her tail still, Pandora tilted her head. "Oh? Then send it, rogue. She will be entertained by what you have to say."I do not doubt that, Adam responded. Bill, repeat after me. Ready?He nodded slowly. "I am."To the empress, I give you a warning.Lifting his chin, Bill announced, "To the empress, I give you a warning."For it is true that my partner was a member of the Gray Rebellion."For it is true that my partner was a member of the Gray Rebellion."And against the Violet Throne…"And against the Violet Throne…"Presided over by the daughter of the dual suns…"Presided over by the daughter of the dual suns…"Just as we have on our home moon…"Just as we have on our home moon…"We do indeed declare war."We do indeed declare war." He paused for a beat to think about what he had just said. When it finally sank in, he snapped a glance to the side. "Wait, what?!"Steven swiveled his head towards his companion. "Bill, what are you doing?!""I don't know!" Bill hissed in response.Before he had a chance to explain himself, his enemy pulled her feet under her and stood atop the ice mountain. Her eyes darkened, but otherwise, her expression was just as blank as ever."Is that your answer to Her Majesty, little one?" she drawled. "If that is the case, then my response on behalf of the empire is this."She lifted a hand, made a swirling pattern in the air, and extended a long claw directly at Bill and Steven."Stop them by any means necessary, " she stated.Dark shapes lifted off the trees as one giant flock. The sky was practically obscured by them as far as Bill and Steven could see. At that point, the champion kept his blue-gray eyes to the sky as he addressed the researcher."Well, Bill. Ready?""Not really."Steven shook his head and drew four poké balls – two for each hand – out of his pockets. "Neither am I."Bill glanced at his companion. "Looks like we don't have a choice. Shall we, then?""Let's."As the flock dove at them, Bill and Steven sprang in opposite directions, directly into the fight.
Bill declares war